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by amanda bates


h: 56 w: 75 d: 1 (cms).

Indian ink on handmade hemp paper. Multistorey is based on the view from a footpath that runs alongside and above the deeply sunken lane, which is in East Hampshire.


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King of the Castle

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by amanda bates


h: 30 w: 40 d: 1 (cms).

Indian ink and other, coloured, pigment inks on kaolin-coated board. A holly tree sits atop a mound held together by its roots, backlit by bright sunlight from out of the wood. A scene from the New Forest.


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by amanda bates


h: 30 w: 40 d: 1 (cms).

Indian ink on kaolin-coated board. Drawing of beech trees on the banks of a sunken lane in Surrey with the sun behind them.


Please Note: If you are overseas and interested in a purchase, please note that there will be additional costs for postage and packaging added to this price. Feel free to enquire about this using the button below.

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